Archive for May, 2013

New! Facebook allows Atlas tags for targeted adverts – what’s it mean for you?

I just wrote a blog for dwinQ about targeted advertising using Facebook and the success of such programs. Now there is even better news from Facebook you use Atlas post-impression measurement tags (often called view tags) on ads targeted to custom audiences, partner categories and lookalike audiences.

So what does this mean for Facebook advertisers and those trying to amplify their brand on Facebook?  Better analytics and measurement of ad spend. Now Facebook can offer view-through measurement on custom audience targeted ads. More and better information for spending your precious dollars.

A quick look on the old Atlas Blog gives all the benefits of using the view tags with Facebook targeted advertising. In a  nutshell you can compare Facebook advertising directly with display advertising online and see how that influences search. So if Facebook is more effective than your Google Adwords or Yahoo advertising you can move (and justify moving) more spend to Facebook for better results.

Remember, my big rule of thumb for success on Facebook – work with a PMD vendor, use as much User Generated Content as possible, and try to amplify live events with product placement on Facebook using technology like RFID and QR codes. That’s the foundation of the new marketing mix. Using Atlas tags can help go beyond your gut and show you how effective things really are. Good luck!


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IBM, Apple and Google brands worth $400 BILLION – what’s yours worth?

In a Dr. Evil-like post last week Venture Beat reported that IBM, Apple and Google have the worlds most valuable brands – worth an estimated $400 billion dollars.

That’s good news for me since I own both Apple and google stock – but is it good news for you and your brand? Yes, if you take just a minute to see how they built those brands up. IBM has been around for ever so let’s take them out of the equation. Apple and Google can sum up their brand value in a single word: Focus

If you want your brand to be valuable and increase the success of your overall company stay focused. This is even more true on social media than it is in the real world. Apple focused on one thing user-friendly innovation. Google focused on one thing: accurate search. Those single, well defined attributes catapulted the respective companies to the top of the list.

The other thing they both did was brand individual products separately. Gmail, Glass, Analytics and iPhone, iPod, iPad are all differnet than company names. Look at a company that is not in the top three but should be (HP). One of the reasons their brand is discounted compared to the company value is the lack of clarification and tightly messaged purpose. They also have terrible product names that muddy the branding water. 

Build value in your brand – find your one well-defined message and speak that in all your communication via social media. If you enable great user generated content make sure you add your messaging there as well, and make it easy (frictionless) so that you have a bran
d champion speaking your one brand message. 



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Integrated Print Forum – where digital and physical meet in the ‘burgh

I’m key noting at the integrated print forum #IPF13  in Pittsburgh. Stop by this morning and see how conneting the real world and online world is a key piece in any marketing puzzle.

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